Choosing to convert a copy will leave the original project and its capture history files intact. Home Forums Technology Gaming and Software. Previously, this option did not take effect until the hardware was manually reset or untill after the next automatic transfer. The scroll bar now resides above the "Quick Flags" of each waveform view whether in single or split mode. Waveform View Navigation Keys:
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DigiView Capture & Analysis Software

When Split, two dots appear above the marker number. Expanded signal selection to include auto-detected plug-ins. Correction - Plug-in Two issues were discovered in version 9 that affected external plug-ins.

Edge and Pattern triggers can be selected for any displayed signal. Added an identifier with fly-out hint for each level of the formula. DigiView's Internal data parsers use new vjew for more efficiency and flexability with custom plug-ins.

New Auto Run Mode. New Static Marker Measurements that display the Time Delta from the marker's last position or from its complement marker. Color Themes a.

The menu is accessable from a new button placed just above the values in the first row of the waveforms. The selections for opening and creating projects has changed to always use the revised "Startup Selections" window, renamed to "DigiView Project Selections".

On opening a project with Waveform views with the "Scroll-n-View" option enabled, the waveform associated with the Active Marker would not scroll into view until after another marker was selected. Select from Buffer Full normal transfer time or a timeout period. Added activation of the selected item by using the space bar in Auto Search.

Capture example files for Model DV are included in dlgi download that were missing from the previous installation files.

Please keep it simple. Scaling has been corrected throughout the application.


If Windows reports that the publisher is unknown or that the software is not signed, then the files are corrupt, infected or otherwise modified. Viw signals can now be viewed as Hex, Decimal or Octal values. Depending cigi your Windows version and system settings, Windows might ask your permission to install the application and again to install the drivers.

Added - New "Getting Started" help feature. Create custom templates from a project. Quick Measurements a. Media New media New comments Search media. The values in the column will vigi when the time of the selected source changes. The I2S signal is now a built-in signal which, like fiew built-in signals, can be customized by implementing your own plug-in. You can not use a bus-powered hub; it does not have enough power to operate DigiView. This release implements a minor change in the automatic fan speed controller for Model DV Starting with this version, the default is disabled.

Enhancement - Signal Editor 'OK' is now the default action. This optional snap behavior is dependent on the signal type.

vifw Added cursor function to select fields in List windows when in frame mode. This eliminates an unneccessary "back and forth" effort while analyzing the capture by grouping mouse functions together on one side of the window.

Time range selections now include the complement of a split marker. Correction - Capture Status window When using a project with a DV3xxx series analyzer, the new Capture Status window did not update the newer statistics while capturing.

